The New York Buddhist Church

Contact Us

Please send comments or questions using this web form. For your convenience, answers to questions that we frequently receive are provided below. If your message is urgent or concerns an important matter such as a wedding, funeral, or memorial service, please contact our resident minister at (212) 678-0305.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm new to Buddhism - what is a good way to learn?

Attending a service or class is a good way to begin learning about Buddhism and provides an opportunity to ask questions of the minister and temple members. Please see our calendar for the date and time of services and classes. If you do not live near a temple, there are many books and websites that may be of help, and we've provided some suggestions here on our site.

Can anyone attend a service or class - even someone who is not a Buddhist?

Our services and classes are open to all regardless of religious background, experience, ethnicity, gender, etc. You are welcome to attend any of our services and classes or ongoing programs, but note that a small number of services and classes are conducted only in Japanese. Where relevant, language is indicated with service or class information on our calendar.

How should I dress for a service or class?

We recommend wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothes for meditation classes. For Sunday services, most temple members dress up somewhat although there is no need to be too formal and casual dress clothes are appropriate.

Are there any specific customs or etiquette I should follow when attending?

Like any tradition, there are certain customs that are observed as a way of showing respect to the Buddhist teachings when visiting a Jodoshinshu Buddhist temple. For example, we bow when entering and leaving the Hondo (main temple hall). The best way to learn about these customs is to observe the behavior of others and to ask questions of the minister or temple members.